Does your business need more customers? Use popular social networks to turn your existing and potential customers into Brand Ambassadors and get results for your business!

The Facebook Logo

Marketing on Facebook!

Many of your potential customers are on Facebook. Use Facebook for business by creating a Facebook fan page for your brand. This gives your customers the chance to leave feedback, find answers to questions, and most importantly, recommend your brand to their friends and family.

You’ve seen ‘like’ buttons all over the web, right? You can add one to your business’s website too.  When customers click your ‘like’ button it shows up on their Facebook wall, where everyone in their network will see it (and help you earn more Facebook likes)!

The Facebook Page Creation Tool


How to Create a Page on Facebook.

If you currently have a Facebook account, creating a Facebook Fan Page is easy! Simply use the Facebook Page Creation Tool once you log in.

Select a category that best fits your brand and answer the prompts the page gives you. Afterward, you can assign a profile photo for it, suggest the page to your friends, and enter your basic information. That’s all there is to it! If you need more information about marketing on facebook , Facebook provides help and marketing solutions that will help your business grow.


Communicating With Your Customers Through Facebook.

Your customers appreciate it when you take time out to answer their questions, and by answering them publicly via Facebook pages, you also help others who may have similar concerns. Even complaints can become a positive for your business when handled well. Customers can see the activity on your Facebook page, and once they’ve ‘liked’ it those activities will appear in their newsfeed.

Word of special promotions, new products and upcoming events spreads quickly through your fans networks, greatly increasing the chances your brand will be seen by new customers!

An example of a business page


Tips for Facebook Engagement:

  • Encourage users to share your updates and participate in discussions by giving them access to exclusive content.
  • Offer coupons or loyalty rewards convince customers to follow your page for updates.
  • Generate positive feedback for your brand by providing quick, accurate responses to your customers.
  • Create a lasting, personal connection with your customers to inspire brand loyalty by providing them with excellent customer service.
  • Create an experience for your clients to talk about and turn them into raving fans.

    In conclusion, update often and consistently.

    Your Facebook Fan Page will attract new customers, and strengthen the bonds you have with existing customers. Update often, and respond to your customers directly and publicly. By doing so you’ll give your Facebook presence a personal touch that your customers will respond to, creating a new level of customer satisfaction. Set time aside to create and manage your Facebook page, and you‘ll quickly see results. If you can’t find the time to manage your fan page effectively, hire a team that can!


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